First Step

My First C Program

You need software to write your C programs. DevC++ and Codeblocks are popular open-source software which you can use to write, compile and execute C programs. You have to save your program with .c extension. Write program code into your software and save it with file name :program1.c 

After saving your program, you have to compile your program and then you can run it. In DevC++, short cut for compiling and running your program is F11. Try following C program which prints message "Hello Students".

// My first C Program

void main()
    printf("Hello Students");

This program will prints following output:

Hello Students 

You can also write your main ( ) function as under:

int main()
    printf("Hello Students");
    return 0;

This program will print same output as shown in previous program:

Hello Stud



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